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It takes more than a trained Real Estate Agent to understand the needs and concerns of Buyer Clients. It takes someone who has been there, someone who has the same concerns when they’re home shopping.

I don’t want to minimize the technical aspects of the home buying process though. Every year it becomes more complex. Between government legislation, environmental laws, mortgage documentation requirements and the legal aspects of a home purchase, the home buyer must be on top of all aspects of the process, or be helped by a professional.

I'm here to assist buyers in the Seaside and surrounding Beaches of Saint Augustine and Palm Coast real estate markets, and I am really good at it, mainly because I love people and helping them achieve their dreams of becoming homeowners. There’s plenty to do:

Locating the Right Property for You
Check out how I combine normal search assistance with automated email alerts to find the perfect home for you.

Getting the Best Financing
It’s difficult to qualify for the best mortgage financing and jump through lenders’ hoops, so I help you to find the best mortgages for your needs. 

Price Negotiations
You’re not left to fend for yourself when you make that first offer to purchase. Before that I’ve given you data and guidance to make sure that you’re on the right track to a good deal.

Inspections and Repairs
More negotiations usually crop up after you’ve agreed on a price, and they’re normally the result of inspections and necessary repairs. I am experienced and ready to help.

Title Insurance
Owning a home is great, but you want to protect that ownership as well. I’ll explain how title insurance works and help you to insure your ownership.

Contract to Closing
The great number of delivery deadlines, documents and tasks involved in a real estate closing will all be coordinated by me and my closing staff.

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Price isn’t the only negotiation, as there will be property inspections and you may need to enter into more negotiating around property condition and repairs. I am an expert at this. 

The myriad of tasks, documents and delivery deadlines involved in a real estate transaction are all coordinated by me and my closing assistance staff. From title insurance to surveys and mortgage documents, I am here to help.


Buyers from the Seaside and surrounding Beaches of Saint Augustine and Palm Coast real estate markets are frequently referred to me by previous highly satisfied clients.


Call me at 386-237-1195, or email me to get started in working for you. ~Sharon

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